Gluco Minus

blood sugar regulation – glucose – diabetes – sugar disease

Gluco Minus – synergy between natural polyphenols from silver fir branches and chromium

Who might benefit the most with Gluco Minus

• healthy people over 30 to replenish their own stocks of chromium in the cells,
• all athletes due to the higher expenditure of chromium,
• people with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
• individuals with poor diet, especially those with predisposition to obesity

Gluco Minus blocks the breakdown of carbohydrates and, consequently, reduces the rise of blood glucose levels. Furthermore, it also contributes to the proper functioning of insulin in the body. If our body lacks chromium, more insulin is required for appropriate control of blood glucose levels. Insulin is a hormone acting as a “key”, which opens the cells and enables glucose entry which is then converted into energy.
In addition, chromium helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and increase the level of beneficial cholesterol in blood, which reduces the risk for cardiovascular diseases.
Due to the potent antioxidant activity Belinal® also protects cells from the damage caused by free-radicals, which are more rapidly produced in case of high blood sugar. 

Control your blood sugar level with the help of nature

• 100% natural silver fir branch extract
• Unique antioxidant mixture of polyphenols from silver fir branches and chromium
• Proven clinical effect through clinical trials in EU

Gluco Minus is recommended for

• healthy people over 30 to replenish their own stocks of chromium in the cells,
• all athletes due to the higher expenditure of chromium,
• people with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
• individuals with poor diet, especially those with predisposition to obesity.


Belinal® a unique extract from the branches of Slovenian silver fir, is completely natural mixture of oligo- and polyphenols, which has been scientifically investigated and analyzed at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana.
Branches of highest quality are manually collected from ecologically intact forests of Kočevje region.
There is no extra tree felling required for production of Belinal® extract since the amount of raw material from the regular annual harvest is already sufficient. Optimized process of industrial extraction involves only the use of pure water and excludes the use of alcohol or harmful organic solvents.

Scientists discovered more diverse composition of polyphenols in branches compared to the bark. 36 different polyphenols, all acting synergistically, have been identified so far. In particular, the mixture contains higher amount of low-molecular polyphenols which have many beneficial effects on the body. Predominant species of the extract are phenolic acids, lignans and flavonoids, all acting as potent antioxidants, and in addition to this, individual groups of substances in Belinal® also have anti-inflammatory activity and inhibit digestive enzymes.

Chromium in the form of chromium picolinate

Gluco Minus also contains chromium, which has a role in the metabolism of macro-nutrients and contributing to the maintenance of normal glucose levels in the blood.

One of the most important things you can do for your health, is to lower your blood sugar – glucose

Lowering blood sugar levels is an important part of the health of every human being, because high blood sugar can trigger inflammatory processes in the body and cause damage to body tissues. In fact, permanently elevated blood glucose concentration is the main cause of many degenerative diseases.

How Gluco Minus contributes  to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels

Gluco Minus inhibits the breakdown of carbohydrates and, consequently, lowers peak blood glucose levels after meals, ant it also contributes to the proper functioning of insulin in the body. If the body lacks chromium, it needs more insulin for appropriate control of blood glucose levels. Insulin is a hormone which acting as a “key”, which opens the cells and enables entry of glucose which is then converted into energy.

In addition, chromium helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and increase the level of beneficial cholesterol in blood, and because of this, reduces the risk for cardiovascular diseases.

Due to the potent antioxidant activity, Gluco Minus also protects cells from the damage caused by free-radicals, which are more rapidly produced in case of high blood sugar.

Only 20% of people appear to have sufficient amount of chromium in the cells. If you have problems with blood sugar, it is very likely that your body stocks of chromium are depleted.

Chromium is involved in the metabolism of macronutrients and contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease with rapidly rising prevalence and represents a growing problem in the developed world. Globally, over the past 30 years the number of diabetics has doubled and is growing constantly.

According to the WHO reports, in 2014 the global prevalence of diabetes was estimated to be 9% among adults aged 18+ years

The consequences of the rapid pace of life are physical inactivity and consumption of high-calorie processed food, which in the long term leads to various metabolic disorders, and ultimately, to the metabolic syndrome, obesity and type II diabetes.

What are the consequences of chronically elevated blood glucose levels

Constantly present excess of glucose in the blood makes you feel continuously tired and exhausted, thirsty and vulnerable to infections. Excessive amounts of glucose in the bloodstream are converted into fat causing the weight gain and accumulation of fat especially in the abdominal area.

Why is normal blood glucose level so important

Glucose is the simplest form of sugar and represents the main source of energy in our body. We need enough glucose in bloodstream to provide the energy for all our cells. While the glucose is crucial as an energy source, in excess it is toxic.

Glucose in excess triggers inflammatory processes in the body and “burns down” our cells by promoting oxidative processes. It also causes damage to cells, organs, blood vessels and eyes by a process called glycation. Glycation is a process where macromolecules and cellular components are destroyed by covalent attachment of glucose units.

Therefore, our body is trying to remove the excess glucose from the bloodstream as quickly as possible.

Gluco Minus, a food supplement with Silver Fir Branch extract – Belinal® and Chromium.


2 tablets daily, 15 minutes before a meal, taken with water.

Based on the consultation with your doctor or pharmacist the number of doses per day may be increased.

Gluco Minus is also recommended to healthy individuals to renew their stocks of chromium in cells, maintain normal blood glucose levels and thereby reduce the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.

Gluco Minus is not a substitute for diabetes treatment prescribed by your physician.

Active ingredients

Active ingredients 1 Tablet 2 Tablets
Belinal® – Silver Fir Branch extract

Providing pure polyphenols

75 mg

52,5 mg

150 mg

105 mg

Chromium 32.5 μg (81%)* 65 µg (162%)*

* Percentage of daily intake NRV (Nutrient Reference Value).


Bulking Agents: Microcrystalline Cellulose and Calcium Dihydrogen Phosphate; Belinal® – Silver Fir Branch extract (Abies alba Mill.), Anti-Caking Agent: Vegetable Magnesium Stearate and Silicon Dioxide; Chromium Picolinate.

Free from

Sweeteners, lactose and gluten.


Store in a dry place at temperature below 25 °C.

Limitations and precautions

Food supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. Store out of sight and reach of children. Children under 5 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers must consult with the doctor or pharmacist.

Gluco Minus is carefully designed product for people of all generations and manufactured in accordance with European standards.

When is the most effective to consume Gluco Minus pill

Gluco Minus pill has to be consumed 15 minutes before a large meal. If you’ve forgotten to take the pill, you still can take it together with a meal. The best efficiency is achieved to take a pill before or during a meal because it contributes to the reduction of the glycemic index of your meal.

How many pills can be consumed in one day 

The recommended dosage is 1 tablet 15 minutes before each major-large meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner)  with a glass of water.

Is Gluco Minus designed also for healthy people 

Gluco Minus is also designed for healthy persons after 30 years of age. We recommend two-months therapy, which will renew the stock of chromium in your body. One of the most important things for your health is to reduce the probability of the occurrence of diabetes. We also advise you to avoid sugary drinks and food and you should increase everyday physical activity.

Can I stop taking drugs which were prescribed by my treating physician 

No. It can be interrupted only in case the treating physician evaluates your health has improved so much that medical tretment wouldn’t be neccessary any more. Gluco Minus is a nutritional supplement that can contribute to the maintenance of normal glucose levels in the blood and contributes to your well being.

Can I take Gluco Minus together with other drugs for lowering blood sugar 

Yes. Gluco Minus is a dietary supplement with no side effects so it can be consumed together with other drugs. In case you already have a prescription for taking any kind of drugs talk with your doctor or pharmacist. You may also contact us and we will answer you.

Is Gluco Minus a safe dietary supplement 

Yes. Gluco Minus is a safe dietary supplement. Numerous scientific analysis and research are carried out. Analysis of the quality of the ingredients in the products are approved from the Faculty of pharmacy – University of Ljubljana. No side effects has been noticed during the clinical trials on humans.

Why are users so satisfied with Gluco Minus

I have diabetes for about 12 years. How many years in fact, had passed previously, I do not know.
Diabetologists say that they can set diagnosis for sure at least 5-7 years after diabetes is already present.
Before I started with treatment a value of blood sugar was 23 mmol / l and glycosylated hemoglobin was >11%. After the 10th of January 2017 when I started with Gluco Minus, I dropped the use of both insulins to 50-75%.
And yet, I haven’t noticed any side effects or adverse effects that could be attributed to the Gluco Minus.
Primarius Marijan Močivnik, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Nephrologist, Sevnica, Slovenia, participant of the clinical study Gluco Minus