Belinal® is silver fir branch extract from unspoiled largest European forest formation. Never before was extraction made from the parts of tree we do. Unique composition of variety polyphenols with small molecule mass with very high absorption end scientifically proven inside cell activity. 36 different polyphenols identified so far. More powerful antioxidant activity than well-known standards, anti diabetic activity, anti inflammatory activity, anti aging activity*.
- Components of Belinal® break through the cell membrane and act where they are needed.
- Consequently stronger and effective indications when compared to well-known standards ( Resveratrol, Green tea – ECGC, Vitamin E and C, Goji, Acaiberry,…).
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Quality And Safety
Belinal®, premium quality and unique ingredient on the world market, wild felling of silver fir branches from the pristine largest European mountain forest.
Belinal® meets the highest EU standards
Sustainability And Traceability
We always choose the best parts of the silver fir branches grown in the largest European mountain forest. Thus we ensure the highest quality and accurate knowledge of their origin.
Trademark And Patents
Belinal® is registered trademark.
Belinal® – silver fir branch extract is branded ingredient protected by three patents.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the EFSA and FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Health-related benefits and claims included on this marketing piece is not a consumer claim recommendation. Customers assume responsibility to carry out their own legal and regulatory reviews prior to using any claims in consumer labeling, advertising and marketing.